The Unbearable Awesomeness Of Being

Sunday, September 18, 2005

D&D Instant Magic Item Generator

I don't know why the new edition of D&D spends more than a hundred pages just listing magical items. Here you can do the same with just one list and two 100-sided dice rolls!
You open the chest and find...
The (roll on list A) of (roll on list B)!

List A
01. Amulet
02. Armor (Chain)
03. Armor (Leather)
04. Armor (Plate)
05. Arrow
06. Axe
07. Bag
08. Bands
09. Bead
10. Belt
11. Book
12. Boomerang
13. Boots
14. Bottle
15. Bow
16. Bracelets
17. Bracers
18. Brooch
19. Cabinet
20. Candle
21. Cape
22. Card Deck
23. Chalice
24. Chime
25. Circlet
26. Cloak
27. Club
28. Crossbow
29. Cube
30. Dart
31. Decanter
32. Dust
33. Exotic Weapon
34. Eye
35. Fan
36. Farm Equipment
37. Figurine
38. Flag
39. Gauntlets
40. Gem
41. Gloves
42. Goggles
43. Hammer
44. Hand
45. Hat
46. Headband
47. Helmet
48. Horn
49. Horseshoes
50. Incense
51. Ioun Stone
52. Javelin
53. Key
54. Knife
55. Lantern
56. Lenses
57. Mace
58. Mantle
59. Mask
60. Medallion
61. Mirror
62. Morningstar
63. Musical Instrument
64. Necklace
65. Net
66. Oil
67. Orb
68. Periapt
69. Phylactery
70. Pickaxe
71. Pipes
72. Polearm
73. Potion
74. Quiver
75. Ring
76. Robe
77. Rod
78. Rope
79. Salve
80. Scabbard
81. Scarab
82. Scythe
83. Shield
84. Shirt
85. Shoes
86. Shrouds
87. Skull
88. Sling
89. Slippers
90. Spear
91. Spoon
92. Staff
93. Sword (Long)
94. Sword (Short)
95. Token
96. Vest
97. Vestment
98. Wand
99. Well
00. Whip
List B
01. Adaptation
02. Animal Friendship
03. Annihilation
04. Appearance
05. Arrow Catching
06. the Bat
07. Blinking
08. Brilliance
09. Building
10. Charming
11. Climbing
12. Cursed Backbiter
13. Dancing
14. Defense
15. Detonations
16. Devouring
17. Disappearance
18. Disguise
19. Dispel Magic
20. Displacement
21. Dryness
22. Elements
23. Elvenkind
24. Entanglement
25. Etherealness
26. Eyes
27. Feather Falling
28. Fire
29. Flailing
30. Flying
31. Folding
32. Free Action
33. Friends
34. Frost
35. Ghost Touch
36. Handiness
37. Haste
38. Haunting
39. Healing
40. Health
41. Hypnosis
42. Illumination
43. Illusions
44. Immovable
45. Interruption
46. Invisibility
47. Invocation
48. Jumping
49. Keen Edge
50. Leadership
51. Lightning
52. Lordly Might
53. Love
54. the Mage
55. Many Things
56. Many Worlds
57. Might
58. Nightmares
59. Nondetection
60. Opening
61. Pain
62. Panic
63. Poison
64. Polymorph
65. Protection
66. Pure Good
67. Ram
68. Revealing
69. Scintillating Colors
70. Seeing
71. Serpent
72. Shooting Stars
73. Silence
74. Size Alteration
75. Slipperiness
76. Slow
77. Sounding
78. Speed
79. Spider Climb
80. Stars
81. Stoneskin
82. Storing
83. Swarming Insects
84. Telekinesis
85. Teleportation
86. Three Wishes
87. Tongues
88. Tricks
89. Truth
90. Ultimate Evil
91. Undead
92. Useful Items
93. Valhalla
94. Water Breathing
95. Water Walking
96. Wind
97. Wisdom
98. Wonder
99. Wound Closure
00. X-Ray Vision


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