The Unbearable Awesomeness Of Being

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Videogames in Violence

Videogames are violent. TV told you that, the RIAA told you that, your mom told you that. You've tried the argument, 'but mom, TV is much more violent!' and it obviously did not work, because nobody watches TV by choice. TV is not just a habit, it's reflex. Where was I? Oh, yeah.

Anyway, in this article I forgot where it was, they were interviewing kids on what they think. One particular homeschooled 14-year-old girl came up with the idea of 'coming up with something to replace violence that boys of all ages would like.'

At that point, I was enlightened. I bet you understand, too.

It's time for videogames to have more sex.

More love, less war. Enough with Peach just 'baking a cake' for Mario in return of him passing through an entire mutant turtle horde with nothing but two boots and an incredibly resilient forehead. Enough with Meryl and Aeris and lord knows how many hero's girls dying before the end of act two. THE FUTURE IS THE NOOKIE. Will Wright knows it and he is rich. You know what to do.


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