The Unbearable Awesomeness Of Being

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Return of Fubar

Once, before I saw Dvorak I made a weird board game that was basically a simplified version of Nomic that'd not need judges and voting and crap. Here is a streamlined version of the rules for you people that like things really simple.

FUBAR - The Bizarre Board Game
(c) Guilherme S. Töws yay

What You Need:
  • A board. The original Fubar board is available here.
  • Players.
  • One game piece for each player.
  • Dice.
  • Pencils and maybe some slips of paper and stuff.
  • Piles of tokens (like poker chips) if you don't want to write statistics down.
Players place their pieces wherever they want. Roll to see who starts. On each turn a player:
  • Rolls two six-sided die to move his piece.
  • Changes the rule text in one unoccupied square.
Rule Changing

When you create the rules of a square, you must give it a name as well.

Then, add the rules. They can be just a simple command, or a complicate tangle of conditional and optional commands. Some examples of rule types:
  • Simple - Simple rule. 'Lose 2 Health.'
  • Optional - Character may opt if the rule will be executed. 'Option: Move another pawn back two squares.'
  • Double Edged - A rule with both a good and a bad effect. Can be coupled with Optional. 'Option: Lose 2 Money. Gain 2 Health.'
  • Conditional - A rule that depends on a Statistic, or the owning of a Token, or a dice roll. 'If your Health is higher than 6, gain 1 Money.'
  • Other
Rules can never be bound to a certain player or group of players.


Statistics are created the moment they have to be. (If you didn't have Strength, but you just got a 'Lose 2 Strength', now you do.) They are always defaulted to the value of 10, and if any statistic reaches 0, you are out the game.

First person to win wins. Good luck!


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