The Unbearable Awesomeness Of Being

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Art 2.0

First Art - Architecture
Second Art - Sculpture
Third Art - Painting
Fourth Art - Music
Fifth Art - Dance
Sixth Art - Poetry
Seventh Art - Cinema
Eighth Art - Radio Or Television
Ninth Art - Comics

Tenth Art - Cat Pictures
Eleventh Art - Lambada, The Forbidden Dance
Twelfth Art - YTMND
Thirteenth Art - Tool-Assisted Speedruns
Fourteenth Art - Ringtones
Fifteenth Art - War
Sixteenth Art - Videogame Sprite Webcomics
Seventeenth Art - Videogames Depicting Controversial Real Life Events
Eighteenth Art - Funny Lists

I Think SimCity Encourages Communism

Another research points to playing driving violent games leads to bad driving. Because, you see, violent driving games gives you thoughts of crashing cars and running over pedestrians, and as previously demonstrated, thoughts lead to deeds. I'm not making fun of the article, that's exactly what their logic is.

I used to be heavily against this kind of thinking, but now that I've given it some thought, I can say that, yes, videogames are responsible for the evils of our society. In fact, I've been able to trace every problem of the 21st century world to a videogame released in the 80s.

Obesity -> Burger Time

Alcoholism -> Tapper

Bomb Threats -> Kaboom, H.E.R.O.

Grafiteering, Violence Against Monkeys -> Amidar

Vandalism Against Buildings -> Tetris, Lode Runner

Arson -> Super Mario Bros.

Prejudice Against Illegal Aliens -> Space Invaders

Necrophilia -> Pac-Man

War -> River Raid, Missile Command

Dawdling on Highways -> Frogger

General Shenanigans -> Custer's Revenge

Lack Of Faith In God -> E.T.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Extreme Rocking Beyond This Point

Tenser Said The Tensor and Thor report on the new radiation symbol and complain that it still doesn't do the proper job - warning people that don't understand what it means that it is dangerous.

Thinking of that, I've designed an even more enhanced version of the radiation symbol, one that will truly communicate the awesome forces and danger hidden behind this sign:

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Z. Tustra. Complaining Of Academical Papers. Blogspot, 2007.

On my road towards getting a masters degree and becoming unusable for anything but academical work, I have to read a -lot- of academical papers. For those of you who never had the pleasure to browse one of these, they're almost like your Wikipedia pages, except they're not about Pokemon characters and have a few differences in appearance:

They're not available in friendly formats. This is because LATEX, the language of choice to make academical papers, doesn't export well to HTML. It mostly exports to, uh, PS. You know, Postscript. Never seen that? Paint Shop Pro can open it after a couple of hours, or Google can translate it to an unreadable HTML page for you. The other format it exports to, which most scholars abhor, is PDF. Web 2.0 terrain here, people.

Also, most of the time they're not available at all. They're often released in academic periodicals, which then keep the articles for themselves and don't give them to you unless your school paid like twenty million dollars to them. This can be bypassed by going to the page of each author and praying that they keep a copy there. Which will be in Postscript.

Third, these papers have citations. Many of them, more so than even Wikipedia articles, even those with Simpsons references. Citations are the precursor and antithesis to the hyperlink, in that they tell you who wrote something, the title, year and place of publication, and don't tell you -where- it is. Refer to the previous point as to how to acquire actual publication. Repeat this five times per article read.

I know, it's not causing global warming or killing children in Africa or anything. I'm just surprised that, in a network created to disseminate scientific information, with millions of people yapping every day on how 'information should be free' (information being mostly the contents of their iPods), I have to understand the sum of all terrestrial scientific knowledge through the digital equivalent of a peephole.