The Unbearable Awesomeness Of Being

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Teh Funney

With Mother 3 hitting the Japanese stores and an English translation nowhere in sight, many people will no doubt try to import the Japanese version and try to muddle through it by faith and dictionary. But no dictionary will explain to you the subtleties of Japanese humour, which often come across as non-sequiturs that might be actually funnier than the original. But let's try for purity, here. For that, here's a primer of major items of Japanese humour:
  • Transvestites are funny. Preferably with hilarious makeup and mustaches.
  • Kancho and similar are funny.
  • All kinds of seafood, but especially catfishes, octopi and Mola Mola are funny.
  • Puns are the pinnacle of hilarity, no matter if the other 5.5 billion in the planet will not understand what you mean.
Next week, we will discuss the importance of underwear and minorities in the development of true Japanese humour.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Great Expectations

So, after a conversation with Kevan and Ben, the idea came to make a game that'd answer to the player's expectations of what a powerup and what an enemy is. I streamlined the idea to the very edge, and made Bug Crush (which seems to be down as of the time of this post: wait one or two days) and kept the nature of it secret. I programmed it to save some data from each game played, and tabulated the results.

And here they are - the bug colors most people see as evil:

Red, yellow and reddish-purple are the top choices. Then comes the dark yellow and the purples and dark blues.

Green and light cyan are the least evil colors of the spectrum.

In addition, out of everyone that played it, about half played a second time, and about 25% played it a third time. Replay rate was higher from there, but most people gave up after 6-7 games, figuring they had seen all to it.

Median score was 62. Four people got a perfect score of 100.